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Nozzer Pardiwala

Columnist Podcaster Author

Interactive game story writer.


Writer Editor Director

Short-Films/Web Series


Currently Full-Time Screenplay writer

Web series & Feature Films




Watch my short film on Amazon Prime Video


A metaphorical reference to the film world, Bioscopewala traces the journey of a young Indie film-maker, as he travels with his film to its audience to finally realize the true meaning of his dreams.


Parsi Times Articles

The Bapai Mammi series which  delved into 

the issues that face

The Parsi community, from the perspective of an OLD, BUT NOT ORTHODOX, lady.


Lovedale ~ Married to Life

India's FIRST ever Fiction Novel based on HOMESCHOOLING.

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First Short Film


The very first short film Dabba which was shot on my newly acquired Lumix Fz 300 and edited on good old Windows Movie Maker.

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First Film Festival Selection 

IISTOO an out and out PARSI short film  officially selected to screen at PALENA FLM FESTIVAL, ITALY.


First Web Series

Anntaraal- the story of six homeschooled improvisation theater artists, who in the process of treating a case of amnesia through their art form, unearth their own wounds.

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PARSI stories,

of a Parsi,

by a Parsi 

for the world to cherish


never told before, Stories

that need to be told.

Join me in this new journey, I embark upon on multiple podcast platforms 

*All rights reserved by author Nozzer Pardiwala @the non-conforming parsi

*Keki Kaka is a fictional Character created by the Author. It doesn't represent any person, living or dead. 

*Names used do not represent real people and are fictional characters. 

 The blog doesn't represent or generalizes the term Parsi as a community. It simply refers to the Author as an individual. 

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